What Gps Should I Buy???

Posted by Calipso | Tuesday, August 19, 2008 | 0 comments »

What To Buy?????

So you want to buy a GPS. Choices,yes ,staggering numbers as of late.So what should
you do? We at Action GPS Electronics recommend buying Factory Remanufactured

So what's the logic behind this choice? Boy you ask a lot of questions.

There are many reasons,so lets start with number
1: Price.... New verses Factory Remanufactured can be as much as a 50% savings or more.

2. Warranty: New verses Factory Remanufactured? Guess what? Exactly the same at 1 year.

3. The cheaper price allows you to purchase a higher end unit with more features than some
new lower end units.Think about that for a minute.You can buy a higher priced model with
more features than most new lower end units. No brainer here.

4. This to me is one of the most important reasons I personally buy Factory Reconditioned
units,and the reason is just how quickly these units become obsolete and are replaced with
newer models with even more bells and whistles.

5. Finally,notice the large price drops on the older units the manufacturers are trying to
get rid of to make way for the newer models.When you buy new and pay top dollar,
your investment quickly loses its value in obsolescence and you probably have many
less features than the newer models.

6. One more thing that is very important."Theft" Leave your unit in your car even if it
is locked and you return to find your unit gone and hundreds of dollars worth of damage
to your car also that the thief left behind for you.One of the things I personally appreciate
about the newer units is that most of them are not much bigger than a new deck of cards
and they are so easy to take with you
Just pop it in your top pocket and go.
This will also allow you to use it while you are walking around in some unfamiliar city.
This is really a great new feature.

Many of the larger wide screen models again can be purchased used and are a favorite
with truckers and RV drivers who appreciate the larger easy to read screens.

In closing let me also say that many of the new units are multi functional in that you can use
them in your car and just take them with you and you can also use them in your boat with
the new software mapping that may be used in the same crossover type units that have
just recently come out.Let us not forget the motorcycle units that are really built more
ruggedly to withstand the vibration and off road uses of many motorcyclists.Garmin
boasts the 450 and 550 versions strictly designed for your motorcycle.

So again I ask you to review these thoughts and to consider a Factory Reconditioned unit
for any of the reasons above.Drop by www.actiongpselectronics.com for your purchase.

By: Tony M

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